Coaches and Entrepreneurs Cracking the Code: What Profitable Share

by Terra  - August 28, 2023


7 Ways to Brilliantly Market Your Coaching Business.

If you're ready to take your coaching business to new heights, you're in for a treat. 

In this blog post, we're diving into the world of brilliant marketing strategies that can supercharge your coaching journey.

Whether you're just starting out or looking to level up your game, these 7 creative ways will help you shine a spotlight on your coaching expertise and attract the clients you're meant to serve.

Let's light up that marketing path together!

Are you frustrated because your business isn’t getting the attention it deserves?

The issue may lie in your marketing strategies.

We’ve all heard of the 4 P’s of marketing – product, pricing, placement, and promotion.

While every business is different, marketing holds the key to success for your coaching business.

Here are some marketing tips I’ve found to work wonders for my coaching business. Discover which ones work for you and eliminate those that don't.

1. create A fabulous website

Your website should captivate attention and authentically represent you.

A personable website will attract your ideal clients. 

Make sure it’s easy to keep in touch with new and existing clients. Having a unique website that's updated regularly will keep existing and potential clients coming back for more.

2. build A solid database.

Having a database of clients to keep in touch with is crucial.

Don't be intimidated by the term "database" - it's nothing more than a CRM (Client Relationship Management system) that allows you to track data like a potential client's name and contact information.

Giving people who sign up to be on your email list a "freebie" as an incentive to sign up for your list will help your client list grow more over time. 

Sending out e-mail newsletters, weekly emails, promotions or updates will keep those on your "list" in the loop of what's going on. Also, the more subscribers you have, the more your coaching business will be promoted.

3. carry Business Cards.

You never know who might run into throughout the day. Keeping business cards handy at all times could make all the difference.  

Make sure your business card has:

  • Your name/type of Coach you are
  • Your logo
  • Your contact information/website
  • Social media information to connect further.

An eye-catching business card sets you apart from the competition.

4. embrace BlogGING.

Blogging is a great way to market your business.

Set aside time each week to create high-quality blog content about topics that relate to your coaching business. Although it takes some time, it’s worth it especially if you want to rely on SEO (Search Engine Optimization) as a marketing strategy to get more coaching clients.

It regularly generates leads and is a terrific way to promote your business. Blogging gives your clients/potential clients an idea of who you are and how you think - especially the problems you solve for your clients.

5. launch a Podcast. 

Podcasts are convenient for your (future) coaching clients on the go. You can listen to them in the car, waiting in line, or even in the airport. It’s a great way to communicate and share your expertise with clients and potential clients. Your podcast is designed to educate, inform, and entertain you about the journey from before to after.

I love podcasting because it gives me a way to share great content, shine a light on my coaching, and interview great guests that I want to introduce to my own community.

If you don't want to start your own podcast, submit yourself to be a guest on someone else's podcast to get more visibility. 

6. attend Networking Events.

Have you ever heard, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know?” Sometimes, making good connections is all it takes to take your business to the next level.

Not only have networking events promoted my business but it’s also helped me to connect with new people and make great friends.

You can enter the phrase in your favorite search engine: "Networking with (enter who you want to connect with here) near me" to see what networking options come up for you to visit. 

Try to visit different networking organizations and find out which ones you align with (and don't align with). It's all trial and error to find your favorites.

If you don't have a lot of networking organizations in your area, you can also search for "virtual networking organizations", too.

7. Consistent Social Media. 

Last but not least, being active on social media is extremely important nowadays. Almost every business has social media accounts, but here are some tips I’ve found to set you apart from the rest: 

  • Update and post on your (top) social media accounts frequently.
  • Respond to all (or as many as you can) direct messages and comments.
  • Post consistently - doesn't have to be 3 times a day...just be consistent.
  • Share valuable information that showcases your expertise.
  • Remember - serve but don't forget to ask. Use the 80/20 rule when in doubt. 80% great content and 20% asking and promoting your coaching offers.

Use your social media accounts to not only demonstrate your expertise in your field but also showcase your personality - this could help seal the deal with potential clients.

Now it's time to get into fast action. Pick at least one step today and start paving the way for a more successful coaching business.

Your clients are waiting, and it's time to make your mark!
Discover Your Coaching Business Identity: 3 Essential Steps to Define Your Core Values
5 Secrets to Scale Your Coaching Business in the Next 90 Days
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Grab your copy of the "112 Profitable Coaching Niches" Checklist.


  • Get clarity to position yourself as an authority in a growing coaching market to establish yourself as a leader.
  • Break away from saturated coaching markets and find your unique path to more profitability.
  • Identify untapped coaching markets where your expertise and passion will make a significant impact.